Legal notice for the domain, corresponds to Montserrat Fonollosa Rodriguez, with 36976761Y, domiciled at Mercado de la Boquería, parada nº 427, 08001 Barcelona.
Parties providing their data through the website.
In compliance with the organic law on Personal Data Protection (L.O.P.D. and R.D.L.O.P.D.), we inform you that your personal data received through the website by means of forms or email links will be processed for the purposes of: managing potential clients, commercial communication actions and contacts, saved in the corresponding files.
Finally, we inform you that your data will be conserved in our company's files in the interests of commercial monitoring and keeping you informed (about services and products that may interest you) by post, telephone or through any other electronic means that you have provided us with.
To exercise your right, as owner of your personal data under law, to access, rectify, cancel and oppose, you can write to "spanish-saffron" providing proof of identity through a photocopy of your identity document and indicating the following as a reference: "Data Protection", at the following address: Mercado de la Boquería. Parada 427, 08001 Barcelona.
This website complies, in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December, with the Personal Data Protection Act (L.O.P.D.) and with its Implementing Regulation, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21st December (R.D.L.O.P.D.), maintaining a privacy policy on personal data used by spanish-saffron.
Obligations of the user
To use this website, you declare that you are of legal age.
Spanish-saffron may deny or remove, at any time and without prior notice, access to the website to any users contravening that set out in these conditions of use, in the law, customs or public order.
In addition, Spanish-saffron may modify these general conditions and introduce new conditions of use at any time without prior notice.
Use of the website following modification of the general conditions implies acceptance of the modified conditions by the user.
The user is required to use the website diligently, in accordance with law, morals, public order and that set out in these general conditions, and shall refrain from using it in any way that may impede, damage or deteriorate the normal operation and enjoyment of the website by user and which may harm or cause damage to the property or rights of spanish-saffron, other users or any third party in general.